
What are the Common Causes of Siding Problems?

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Your home’s siding serves as a crucial protective barrier, shielding your living space from the elements and enhancing its curb appeal. However, like any other part of your home, siding is not immune to problems that can compromise its integrity and aesthetics. In this guide, we will explore the common causes of siding problems, shedding light on the culprits that can undermine the durability and beauty of your home’s exterior.

Understanding these issues is the first step in ensuring the longevity and protection of your investment. So, let’s explore the common causes of siding problems and discover how you can safeguard your home from these potential threats.


The Destructive Impact of Moisture on Wood Siding

At the heart of most siding issues is moisture. This silent destroyer particularly targets wood siding, from the traditional lumber logs of the 1930s to the modern pressed board panels. The Achilles’ heel of these materials is their susceptibility to moisture, especially at their edges. Moisture’s insidious nature allows it to seep into the slightest crevices, causing the siding to expand, bubble, and lose its integrity. This process is not only visually unappealing but also compromises the structural safety of your home.

The Hidden Threat: Ground Humidity and Rain

A less obvious but equally perilous source of moisture comes from ground humidity. Siding installed even 12 to 18 inches off the ground is vulnerable. The moisture rising from the soil, combined with rainwater that trickles down and seeps under, begins a destructive process. This is evident in homes from the 1970s to the early 2000s, where you can witness the deterioration of the siding’s edges.

Sun Damage

The sun, while vital for life, is a formidable adversary to your home’s siding. It relentlessly strips away the paint, leading many to mistakenly blame the quality of the paint or the skills of the painter. However, the truth lies in the chemical reaction caused by the sun’s rays penetrating the siding material, causing the color to fade and the surface to weaken. Repainting may offer temporary relief, but without proper material selection and protective measures, the cycle of damage will continue.

Installation and Maintenance

The Rush of Modern Construction

In the race to build homes quickly and cost-effectively, the quality of siding installation often takes a backseat. Modern construction methods, focused more on selling homes than building enduring ones, can lead to corners being cut. Improperly installed siding, lacking in precise cuts or adequate flashing, may not present problems immediately. However, within a few years, these oversights can manifest as major issues for the homeowner, long after the builder’s warranty has expired.

The Role of Homeowner Maintenance

As homeowners, maintenance can often fall by the wayside. The reluctance to routinely check, paint, or caulk can turn what could have been simple fixes into costly repairs. This reactive approach to home care has led to the development of more durable materials like vinyl and Hardy siding, which require less maintenance and offer longer-lasting protection.


Understanding the common causes of siding problems – moisture, sun damage, installation issues, and inadequate maintenance – is key to safeguarding your home. Our promise of “perfection engineered for your home” is not just about providing products; it’s about empowering you with knowledge and solutions. For expert advice and assistance in protecting your home’s exterior, do not hesitate to contact us.
